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Indahnya Cinta dan Rahasia Ilahi

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Kisah nyata dari “Buku Indahnya Berbisnis dengan Tuhan”
Duapuluh tahun yang lalu, tepatnya tahun 1986 Penulis berhenti sekolah dasar karena tidak ada biaya. Tahun 1987 merantau ke Jakarta dengan terlebih dahulu menjadi kuli panggul singkong untuk ongkos perjalanannya. Lalu berjalan kaki sejauh 25 km di jalan setapak yang curam untuk mencapai jalan aspal karena tidak cukup uang untuk naik ojek. Sampai di kota metropolitan, penulis menjadi kernet jahit. Setiap malam tidur beralaskan bahan levis dan terkadang tidur di atas mesin obras. Ruangannya sangat sempit, bau, panas dan pengap. Tiga bulan kemudian terdampar di sebuah Panti Asuhan selama enam tahun. Subhanallah… betapa dahsyatnya rahasia-Mu.

Ujian semakin terasa berat ketika tahun 1995. Saat itu ayah penulis sakit reumatik kronis dan TBC berat. Sungguh penulis sangat sedih karena tidak mampu membiayainya di Rumah Sakit. Tiga tahun kemudian ayah meninggal dunia dalam usia sangat muda (43 tahun). Ayah wafat meninggalkan empat anak yang masih bersekolah.  Akhirnya semua tanggung jawab ayah berpindah ke pundak penulis sebagai anak laki-laki tertua.  Subhanallah… Cobaan dan ujian ini kadang terasa sangat berat. Pada saat itu penulis belum tahu bahwa perjalanan takdir itu akan menjadi pintu karunia terbesar dalam hidup ini. Maha Benar Allah dengan segala firman-Nya.

“Tiada suatu bencanapun yang menimpa di bumi dan (tidak pula) pada dirimu sendiri melainkan telah tertulis dalam kitab (Lauhul Mahfuzh) sebelum Kami menciptakannya. Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu adalah mudah bagi Allah”. (QS. Al-Hadid (57):22)

Perjalanan takdir hidup ini terus melaju menuju terminal- nya. Walau terasa sangat berat dengan kerikil dan duri kehidupan yang berliku. Namun tiada sungai yang tidak berhulu. Penulis sangat yakin dengan janji Allah “Bahwa setelah kesusahan pasti ada kemudahan dan bersama kesusahan pasti disertai kemudahan yang lain”. (QS.Al-Insyiroh (94):5-8). Janji Allah ini benar-benar telah penulis temukan dan rasakan dalam banyak kenikmatan hidup. Salah satunya adalah kemudahan hadirnya buku ini kehadapan pembaca sekalian.

Sesungguhnya, inspirasi buku ini berawal dari kisah ajaib perjalanan takdir penulis untuk bisa belajar di Annajah (dulu Darunnajah) Jakarta.  Walau anak kampung yang sangat udik tetapi atas kerja keras, bimbingan guru, do’a dan anugerah-Nya penulis selalu berada di ranking tiga besar. Hidup di panti asuhan tidak menjadi kendala untuk bangkit dan menjemput prestasi. Sehingga berkat prestasi dan do’a orang tua pada tahun 1993 penulis dapat meraih tiket beasiswa ke Negara Kuwait.  Sungguh karunia Allah SWT yang sangat besar. Dan setelah penulis berada di Kuwait, nikmat demi nikmat terus mengalir bak air terjun yang terus mengisi garis takdir kehidupan penulis.

Diusia 19 tahun penulis dianugerahi kesempatan study banding ke negara-negara ASEAN. Tujuan utamanya adalah  untuk mengadakan seminar, kemping dan bertemu dengan tokoh, ulama, dan orang-orang sholeh. Di negeri jiran ini penulis bertemu dengan Abu Urwah penulis buku terkemuka, pimpinan Jama’ah Islah Malaysia (JIM). Ia adalah tokoh oposisi dan reformasi paling vokal menyuarakan keadilan dan kebenaran. Ia sudah berkali-kali dijebloskan ke penjara karena dianggap subersive namun tetap sabar dan istikomah dalam membela keadilan dan hak-hak demokrasi rakyat malaysia. Berkat kegigihannya, saat ini Abu Urwah bersama putri Dr. Anwar Ibrahim dipilih rakyatnya untuk berjuang di kursi Parlemen Malaysia. Penulis sangat senang dapat bertemu dan berdiskusi dengannya. Penulis berharap dunia ini memiliki banyak tokoh reformis yang gigih membela keadilan seperti beliau.

Di Kuala Lumpur Penulis juga bertemu dengan direksi Bank Islam Malaysia (BIM). Ia mengisahkan bahwa berdirinya BIM ini penuh dengan perjuangan dan tantangan yang sangat besar, baik dari kalangan Muslim atau non Muslim, baik instansi pemerintahan ataupun non pemerintahan. Bank dengan sistem bagi hasil ini semula sangat diragukan banyak orang akan kemampuannya. Namun, waktu membuktikan, kalau bank ini kini menjadi bank tercepat perkembangannya dan terbaik dalam  berbagi keuntungannya. Perjalanan tersebut juga menambah keyakinan Penulis, bahwa siapapun yang komitmen dengan syariah, Allah akan memberikan pertolongan dan keuntungan, baik di dunia serta akhiratnya.

Inspirasi buku ini juga banyak dipengaruhi oleh pertemuan dan persahabatan penulis dengan pelajar internasional dan guru serta ulama di Qurtubah Kuwait. Penulis masih teringat dan terbayang dengan wajah ceria teman-teman yang pernah satu kamar di Asrama. Mereka adalah Islam Karimove dari Rusia, Umar Bigovice dari Bosnia, Abdul Azis Yonoo dari Thailand, Khairuddin dari Pilipina, Fhation dari Al-Bania, Muchtar dari Maurusius, Mohammad Dzorif dari Singapura, Nirsyad dari Uzbekistan, Abdul Basyir dari Negeria, dll. Mereka adalah sahabat penulis yang cerdas, santun, religious dan peduli. Mereka telah banyak memberikan kontribusi positif kepada penulis. Semoga Allah menjadikan mereka pemimpin yang sukses  dan mampu mengantarkan negaranya menuju kehidupan yang lebih adil, aman, sejahtera dan diridhoi Allah SWT.

Sungguh beruntung mantan tukang kuli panggul singkong ini, karena bisa bertemu dan bersahabat dengan kontributor ummat di belahan dunia. Nikmat lain yang selalu berkesan dalam persahabatan ini adalah ketika penulis dipertemukan Allah dengan ulama dan panglima mujahid Afghanistan. Ia bernama syeikh Abdurrozak. Sosok lelaki yang tangguh dan  sabar dalam mengusir dan mengahancurkan penjajah Uni Soviet selama 9 tahun. Ia seorang ulama alumni sebuah Universitas terkenal di Mesir. Ia hafal 30 juz  Al-Qur’an dengan baik. Padahal, jalan kehidupannya dulu begitu berliku! Dimasa muda, ia ketua geng Mafia. Namun, kemudian ia disadarkan oleh seorang  hafizah mahasiswi Al-Azhar yang akan diperkosanya semasa ia jahil.

Ajaibnya, 9 tahun kemudian Allah mentakdirkan wanita yang akan ia perkosa itu menjadi istri yang kini sangat dicintainya. Padahal, prosesnya bukan ia yang mencari calon itu, tapi orang lain. Kisah ini, menjadikan Penulis bertambah yakin akan nyatanya hidayah dan pertolongan Allah SWT. Pertolongan Allah akan diberikan kepada siapa saja dan di mana saja. Karena Allah benar-benar sangat berkuasa menganugerahkan karunia apa pun sesuai dengan kehendak-Nya.

Maha suci Allah yang Maha Kaya Raya dan Maha Kuasa.Setelah enam tahun penulis menikmati beasiswa di negara metro dollar Kuwait, tahun 1998 penulis mendapat dana beasiswa belajar di FISIP Hubungan Internasional di Jakarta. Lalu tahun 2004 menjadi Direktur Utama di sebuah perusahaan swasta nasional.

Dua tahun kemudian penulis bertemu dengan mantan pemulung yang mampu menjadi miliyarder dalam tiga tahun. Ia akhirnya menjadi sahabat karib dan menjadi salah satu inspirator terbesar untuk menulis buku yang ada dalam genggaman pembaca sekalian. Tentunya, kisah dan kiat sukses mantan pemulung dalam buku  ini akan menjadi energi positif bagi kita untuk bangkit, bergerak, dan beramal menjadi manusia yang lebih optimis, bermanfaat dan lebih bermartabat.

Subhanallah… benar-benar nikmat yang sangat besar. Sungguh penulis sangat bersyukur dengan anugerah takdir ini. Walau kadang di hati kecil ini masih ada pertanyaan “Mengapa  mesti  penulis yang mendapatkan nikmat luar biasa ini?”. Seorang “Wong nDeso”, anak petani miskin dari Kampung mariuk, Jampang, Sukabumi yang masih jauh dari peradaban modern.

Subhaanallah… wal-hamdulillah… walaa ilaha illallah wallahu akbar… Atas karunia-Nya ini penulis  selalu meyakini bahwa di dunia ini tidak ada yang mustahil.  Walau Penulis sadar bahwa takdir kesuksesan dan kebahagiaan tidak akan dapat diraih dengan gratis. Tetapi semuanya harus dibayar dengan tekad yang bulat, niat yang ikhlas, usaha yang maksimal dan keberanian mengambil resiko. Hal ini senada dengan yang dikatakan Vincent Van Gogh “Great things are not something accidental, but must certainly be willed,” (Kesuksesan besar tidak terjadi secara kebetulan, tetapi merupakan hasrat yang benar-benar diingini).

Penulis bersyukur dengan keajaiban dan anugerah Allah yang selalu menyertai setiap langkah menuju perjalanan takdir ini. Pertemuan demi pertemuan dengan orang-orang sholeh membuat hati ini semakin yakin, bahwa yang mampu  mengangkat The Secret (rahasia) dalam hidup ini bukan hanya Rhonda Byrne, tapi siapapun kita, akan mampu membuka tabir rahasia hidup dan keajaiban Allah SWT. Semoga rahasia dan keajaiban Allah yang telah penulis temukan dan Anda rasakan, akan menjadi inspirasi jitu untuk kehidupan kita, ummat dan bangsa ini menuju takdir yang lebih baik dan penuh makna. Bisa!!!

“Dan seandainya pohon-pohon di bumi menjadi pena dan laut (menjadi tinta), ditambahkan kepadanya tujuh laut (lagi) sesudah (kering)nya, niscaya tidak akan habis-habisnya (dituliskan) kalimat Allah (ilmu dan hikmah). Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana”. (QS.Luqman (31): 27)
“Hidup ini adalah sebuah spektrum perjalanan yang panjang. Hidup di dunia ini diawali dengan kelahiran dan diakhiri dengan kematian. Terminal akhir dari kehidupan adalah untuk bertemu dengan Tuhan di syurga-Nya”.

Jangan Takut dan Jangan Bersedih!
Semua manusia sangat layak dan berhak mendapat apa yang mereka inginkan. Namun kita harus ingat  bahwa dalam mewujudkan apapun yang kita  inginkan, sesungguhnya dibutuhkan keyakinan, pengorbanan, kesungguhan dan ketekunan. Pada prosesnya kita akan menemukan kenyataan yang tidak mulus, bahkan mungkin akan terasa pahit, membosankan dan melelahkan. Namun apapun tantangan dan problematikanya, maka nikmatilah hidup ini dengan tenang dan senang. Karena Allah tidak akan pernah memberikan beban apapun kepada kita, melebihi kapasitas kemampuan kita. Segera bangkit dan bergerak untuk beramal yang terbaik untuk kehidupan dan masa depan kita.

“Allah tidak akan membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya. Ia mendapat pahala (dari kebajikan) yang diusahakannya dan ia mendapat siksa (dari kejahatan) yang dikerjakannya.”
(QS. Al-Baqarah (2): 286).

Berbisnis dengan Tuhan insya Allah akan menjadikan pribadi yang selalu yakin dan optimis dalam menjemput sukses dunia akhirat. Kekuatannya akan senantiasa setia menemani kita, sampai tiba di terminal keinginan yang kita dambakan. Enjoy the Beauty of Trading With Allah in Your Life!  Salam Dahsyat!

Baca lebih lengkapnya dalam buku ”Indahnya Berbisnis dengan Tuhan”, seri satu (Life Management Series 1) karya Ust. Ayi Muzayini E.K, dengan pengantar DR. Hidayat Nur Wahid,MA. Penerbit Fatihah Publishing, Buku ini akan menemani Anda menuju apa yang Anda inginkan. Diangkat dari kisah nyata yang sangat istimewa dan penuh haru. Terdiri dari 10 bagian kisah yang unik dan penuh inspiratif. Tebal 296 halaman dengan harga konsumen Rp.58.000 (sudah termasuk ongkos kirim). Harga distributor Rp.30.000,- (minimal pengambilan 60 buku). Segera pesan, persediaan terbatas.

Merengkuh Cinta dalam Buaian Pena

Source :

Oleh : Ali Margosim Chaniago/berbagai sumber

Buya HAMKA bertutur : “Tidakkah kau lihat langit biru dengan awan berarak disulam oleh burung-burung, amatlah indah. Atau engkau saksikan lereng bukit yang teramat indah. Atau taman bunga yang mekar beraneka warna dengan harum semerbak, teramat indah. Atau kau dengar suara jangkrik bersahutan, teramat indah. …Mengapa hati yang satu-satunya ini, kau biarkan merana tanpa gelora cinta kepadaNya?”

Ikhwah Fillah! Lihatlah lelaki yang satu ini. Sepanjang hari ia berdakwah. Dari pukul enam pagi hingga pukul enam sore. Tak lagi satu daerah yang ia sambangi, telah berkali-kali gurun pasir ia lalui. Sementara ia masih muda. Sejarah mencatat, umurnya belum genap 20 tahun. Bila malam tiba, malampun ia bagi menjadi tiga. Sepertiga untuk ibadah, sepertiga untuk MENULIS, dan sepertiga lagi untuk istirahat. Itulah dia Imam Syafi’I muda.

Ada ribuan ulama di muka bumi ini. Tapi, ulama yang satu ini benar-benar beda. Tanpa kenal siang dan malam, jari-jemarinya selalu menari bersama pena untuk mengangungkan TuhanNya, menyelamatkan aqidah umat, dan menjaga kehormatan umat. Bila anda bertanya,”Wahai Syaikh, haruskah kami sepertimu?”Dia akan menjawab,”Cukuplah seperti apa yang kau lihat!” Dan ia akan berpesan kepadamu,”Berlelah-lelahlah dalam kebajikan, karena dalam kelelahan itu ada kenikmatan yang sungguh nikmat.” Ulama yang satu ini ketika terbaring di rumah sakit, tiba-tiba datang seorang dokter dengan suara lantang mencegat beliau,”Wahai Pak Tua…, bukankah saya sudah melarang anda membaca buku. Anda harus tahu diri. Anda itu sakit.” Sang Syaikh ini tersenyum,”Terimaksih. Anda sudah mengingatkan saya bahwa saya sakit. Kalau tidak, saya bisa lupa bahwa saya sedang sakit. Begitulah saya mencintai buku. Buku adalah penghibur hidup saya…” Dengan sedikit angkuh, Si Dokter bertanya,”Emangnya, kau sudah membaca seberapa banyak buku?” ujarnya sembari melangkah keluar. “Alhamdulillah, saya baru membaca 20.000,00 jilid buku!” jawab si Syaikh tenang. Begitulah dia si Syaikh yang satu ini. Dia termasuk ulama termasyur sekaligus produktif dalam catatan sejarah dunia. Dia bernama Syaikh Ibnul Qayyium Al Jauziyah.

Ikhwah Fillah! Murid beliau bernama Syaikh Muhammad Al Ghozali, yang merupakan guru dari Syaikh Yusuf Qordawi, juga merupakan ulama dan penulis termasyur. Dalam suatu pengajian Syaikh Muhammad Al Ghozali berkata: Dalam hidup ini hanya ada dua pilihan. Pertama, menjadi bagian dalam menciptakan fikroh(Pemikiran). Kedua, dipaksa mengikuti fikroh.

Mari kita kupas satu persatu. Menjadi bagian dalam menciptakan fikroh. Sejarah mencatat, orang-orang yang terlibat dalam bagian ini, dialah yang dikenal sebagai motor sebuah Peradaban. Kenalkah kita dengan Karl Lar March dengan karyanya Das Capital. Buku ini adalah biang keladi munculnya system kapitalisme, dan zionisme oleh Israel di dunia ini. Dimana orang-orang eropa terobsesi untuk menjadi penjajah dengan tujuan utama mereka adalah Gold, Glory , dan Gospel. Dan zionisme Israel bercita-cita menjadi penguasa tunggal dunia dengan menjadikan amerika sebagai kaki tangannya.

Pernahkah kita mendengar kata ‘Samurai’. Ya, lebih tepatnya Novel Samurai. Di Jepang, novel ini menjadi bacaan wajib warga negaranya mulai dari anak-anak SD hingga tingkat Perguruan Tinggi. Dan yang mencengangkan lagi adalah Novel ini dikukuhkan sebagai kitab kedua setelah kitab agama Shinto. Dipaksa mengikuti fikroh. Ya, lebih dan kurang bisa kita amati langsung. Mulai dari media, baik media cetak maupun media elektronik.

Pemikiran-pemikiran mereka(Baca Yahudi dan nasrani) tiap hari menjadi santapan kaum muslimin. Dan , anehnya, kita hanya menjadi konsumer terbesar. Tidak mampu menjadi produser. Majalah Times, majalah forbes lebih diagung-agungkan oleh banyak kaum muslimin ketimbang majalah islam sendiri. Padahal, majalah itu tepatnya buat orang Amerika dan Eropa. Berbagai pemikiran kapitalisme, liberalisme, dan sekulerisme lebih dominan di benak kaum muslimin daripada konsep pemikiran islami dalam dirinya.

Saudaraku, kenyataannya memang begitu, kaum muslimin menjadi pengikut setia pemikiran orang lain. Kita menjadi pengikut trend dan mode orang lain. Hal ini perlu menjadi renungan kita semua.

Ikhwah Fillah! Meneropong ke masa lalu. Kejayaan islam dulunya ditandai dengan berkembang pesatnya berbagai keilmuan kaum muslimin. Sehinga kita kenal sangat banyak ilmuwan muslim dengan berbagai disiplin ilmu. Seperti Ibnu Zina, Innaribayan, Ibnu Rusyid, Ibnu khaldun, Ibnu Rayhan, dkk. Satu catatan penting adalah mereka semua adalah MENULIS. Di zaman khalifah Ar rasyid, Khalifah Al makmun dan beberapa periode setelah khalifah Al makmun. Para penulis sangat dihormati. Berat sebuah buku apa saja dihargai dengan berat emas. Sekarang??? He hehe, Fee untuk penulis professional 15 persen dari harga buku. Sudah lumayan!

Ikhwah Fillah! Mari kita menulis seperti Syaikh Ibnul Qoyyum Al Jauziyah menulis. Menulis untuk mengangungkan Allah SWT, menyelamatkan aqidah umat, dan menjaga kehormatan umat. Bila kita yakin dan istiqomah dengan prinsip diatas, tidaklah perlu kita khawatir dengan penghidupan dunia kita. Sejarah mencatat, belum ada penulis yang miskin di dunia ini. Mereka hidup serba berkecukupan, karena Allah menjamin rezki orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal shalih. Mereka adalah orang terkaya, Orang yang kaya ilmu, yang selalu menyumbangkan ilmu tanpa habis-habisnya.

{Tiga orang yang selalu mendapatkan pertolongan Allah tiada henti-hentinya adalah mujahid yang membela agama Allah, PENULIS yang mencerahkan, dan pemuda yang menyegerakan menikah untuk menjaga kehormatan diri.} (HR Ahmad)

Wahai para penerus Syaikh Ibnul Qoyyum Al Jauziyah, Syaikh Ibnu Taimiyah, Syaikh Muhammad Al Ghozali, Syaikh Yusuf Qardawi, Syaikh Hasan Al Banna, Said Quthb, Buya HAMKA, M Natsir…, teruslah melangkah dalam barisan dakwah hingga titik darah penghabisanmu. Mari kita bersama MERENGKUH CINTA DALAM BUAIAN PENA AL HUB FILLAH WA LILLAH

Rich Internet application

Source :

Rich Internet applications (RIAs) are web applications that have the features and functionality of traditional desktop applications. RIAs typically form a stateful client application with a separate services layer on the backend.

RIAs typically do the following:


if (window.showTocToggle) { var tocShowText = “show”; var tocHideText = “hide”; showTocToggle(); }


The term “rich Internet application” was introduced in a white paper of March 2002 by Macromedia (now merged into Adobe),[1] though the concept had existed for a number of years earlier under names such as:

Traditional web applications centered all activity around a client-server architecture with a thin client. Under this system, all processing is done on the server, and the client is only used to display static (in this case HTML) content. The biggest drawback with this system is that all interaction with the application must pass through the server, which requires data to be sent to the server, the server to respond, and the page to be reloaded on the client with the response. By using a client side technology which can execute instructions on the client’s computer, RIAs can circumvent this slow and synchronous loop for many user interactions. This difference is somewhat analogous to the difference between “terminal and mainframe” and client-server/fat client approaches.

Internet standards have evolved slowly and continually over time to accommodate these techniques, so it is hard to draw a strict line between what constitutes an RIA and what does not. But all RIAs share one characteristic: they introduce an intermediate layer of code, often called a client engine, between the user and the server. This client engine is usually downloaded as part of the instantiation of the application, and may be supplemented by further code downloads as use of the application progresses. The client engine acts as an extension of the browser, and usually takes over responsibility for rendering the application’s user interface and for server communication.

What can be done in an RIA may be limited by the capabilities of the system used on the client. But in general, the client engine is programmed to perform application functions that its designer believes will enhance some aspect of the user interface, or improve its responsiveness when handling certain user interactions, compared to a standard Web browser implementation. Also, while simply adding a client engine does not force an application to depart from the normal synchronous pattern of interactions between browser and server, in most RIAs the client engine performs additional asynchronous communications with servers.


Although developing applications to run in a web browser is a much more limiting, difficult, and intricate process than developing a regular desktop application, the efforts are often justified because:

  • installation footprint is smaller — overhead for updating and distributing the application is trivial, or significantly reduced compared to a desktop or OS native application
  • updates/upgrades to new versions can be automatic or transparent to the end user
  • users can use the application from any computer with an internet connection
  • many tools exist to allow off-line use of applications, such as Adobe AIR, Google Gears, Curl, and other technologies
  • most RIA techologies allow the user experience to be consistent, regardless of what operating system the client uses.
  • web-based applications are generally less prone to viral infection than running an actual executable

Because RIAs employ a client-side engine to interact with the user, they are, when compared with “traditional” web applications:

  • Richer. They can offer user-interface behaviors not obtainable using only the HTML widgets available to standard browser-based Web applications. This richer functionality may include anything that can be implemented in the technology being used on the client side, including drag and drop, using a slider to change data, calculations performed only by the client and which do not need to be sent back to the server, for example, a mortgage calculator.
  • More responsive. The interface behaviors are typically much more responsive than those of a standard Web browser that must always interact with a remote server.

The most sophisticated examples of RIAs exhibit a look and feel approaching that of a desktop environment. Using a client engine can also produce other performance benefits:

  • Client/Server balance. The demand for client and server computing resources is better balanced, so that the Web server need not be the workhorse that it is with a traditional Web application. This frees server resources, allowing the same server hardware to handle more client sessions concurrently.
  • Asynchronous communication. The client engine can interact with the server without waiting for the user to perform an interface action such as clicking on a button or link. This allows the user to view and interact with the page asynchronously from the client engine’s communication with the server. This option allows RIA designers to move data between the client and the server without making the user wait. Perhaps the most common application of this is pre-fetching data, in which an application anticipates a future need for certain data and downloads it to the client before the user requests it, thereby speeding up a subsequent response. Google Maps uses this technique to load adjacent map segments to the client before the user scrolls them into view.
  • Network efficiency. The network traffic may also be significantly reduced because an application-specific client engine can be more intelligent than a standard Web browser when deciding what data needs to be exchanged with servers. This can speed up individual requests or responses because less data is being transferred for each interaction, and overall network load is reduced. However, over-use of asynchronous calls and pre-fetching techniques can neutralize or even reverse this potential benefit. Because the code cannot anticipate exactly what every user will do next, it is common for such techniques to download extra data, not all of which is actually needed, to many or all clients.


Shortcomings and restrictions associated with RIAs are:

  • Sandboxing. Because RIAs run within a sandbox, they have restricted access to system resources. If assumptions about access to resources are incorrect, RIAs may fail to operate correctly.
  • Enabled scripting. JavaScript or another scripting language is often required. If the user has disabled active scripting in their browser, the RIA may not function properly, if at all.
  • Client processing speed. To achieve platform independence, some RIAs use client-side scripts written in interpreted languages such as JavaScript, with a consequential loss of performance (a serious issue with mobile devices). This is not an issue with compiled client languages such as Java, where performance is comparable to that of traditional compiled languages, or with Flash, Curl, or Silverlight, in which the compiled code is run by a Flash, Curl or Silverlight plugin. Several web browser manufacturers have released or are working on new JavaScript engines to accelerate execution of JavaScript, for example TraceMonkey, the Javascript engine used in Mozilla Firefox, will be optimized using “Trace Trees” in version 3.1 of the browser, and Google Chrome web browser has the V8 JavaScript engine, which also accelerates JavaScript execution. These two technologies have both evolved due to the increasing usage of JavaScript and the growth of rich internet applications.
  • Script download time. Although it does not have to be installed, the additional client-side intelligence (or client engine) of RIA applications needs to be delivered by the server to the client. While much of this is usually automatically cached it needs to be transferred at least once. Depending on the size and type of delivery, script download time may be unpleasantly long. RIA developers can lessen the impact of this delay by compressing the scripts, and by staging their delivery over multiple pages of an application.
  • Loss of integrity. If the application-base is X/HTML, conflicts arise between the goal of an application (which naturally wants to be in control of its presentation and behaviour) and the goals of X/HTML (which naturally wants to give away control). The DOM interface for X/HTML makes it possible to create RIAs, but by doing so makes it impossible to guarantee correct function. Because an RIA client can modify the RIA’s basic structure and override presentation and behaviour, it can cause failure of the application to work properly on the client side. Eventually, this problem could be solved by new client-side mechanisms that granted an RIA client more limited permission to modify only those resources within the scope of its application. (Standard software running natively does not have this problem because by definition a program automatically possesses all rights to all its allocated resources).
  • Loss of visibility to search engines. Search engines may not be able to index the text content of the application.
  • Dependence on an Internet connection. While the ideal network-enabled replacement for a desktop application would allow users to be “occasionally connected”, wandering in and out of hot-spots or from office to office, special platforms (e.g. Adobe AIR, Google Gears, Curl) are required to allow off-line functionality for RIA applications.
  • Accessibility. There are a lot of known Web accessibility issues in RIAs, most notably the fact that screen readers have a hard time detecting dynamic changes (caused by JavaScript) in HTML content. The WAI-ARIA suite provides a solution for this problem (via Live Regions); as well as providing a way of adding critical role, state and property information to DHTML based user interfaces.
  • No deployment. In general, rich internet applications cannot be deployed the way traditional desktop applications can be deployed. There are, however, some exceptions to this (e.g. Adobe AIR and Curl).
  • Security Concerns. Several RIA frameworks, such as Adobe AIR, provide much more access to a user’s local operating system than the older technologies they are built upon, such as Adobe Flash. This added power in the hands of developers creates the potential for RIA applications to enable traditional web vulnerabilities, like Cross Site Scripting, to be used to attack desktop users and possibly spread Malware[2].

Software development complications

The advent of RIA technologies has introduced considerable additional complexity into Web applications. Traditional Web applications built using only standard HTML, having a relatively simple software architecture and being constructed using a limited set of development options, are relatively easy to design and manage. For the person or organization using RIA technologies to deliver a Web application, their additional complexity makes them harder to design, test, measure, and support.

Use of RIA technology poses several new service level management (SLM) challenges, not all of which are completely solved today. SLM concerns are not always the focus of application developers, and are rarely if ever perceived by application users, but they are vital to the successful delivery of an online application. Aspects of the RIA architecture that complicate management processes[3] are:

  • RIA architecture breaks the Web page paradigm. Traditional Web applications can be viewed as a series of Web pages, each of which requires a distinct download, initiated by an HTTP GET request. This model has been characterized as the Web page paradigm. RIAs invalidate this model, introducing additional asynchronous server communications to support a more responsive user interface. In RIAs, the time to complete a page download may no longer correspond to something a user perceives as important, because (for example) the client engine may be prefetching some of the downloaded content for future use. New measurement techniques must be devised for RIAs, to permit reporting of response time quantities that reflect the user’s experience. In the absence of standard tools that do this, RIA developers must instrument their application code to produce the measurement data needed for SLM.
  • Asynchronous communication makes it harder to isolate performance problems. Paradoxically, actions taken to enhance application responsiveness also make it harder to measure, understand, report on, and manage responsiveness. Some RIAs do not issue any further HTTP GET requests from the browser after their first page, using asynchronous requests from the client engine to initiate all subsequent downloads. The RIA client engine may be programmed to continually download new content and refresh the display, or (in applications using the Comet approach) a server-side engine can keep pushing new content to the browser over a connection that never closes. In these cases, the concept of a “page download” is no longer applicable. These applications are commonly known as refreshless. These complications make it harder to measure and subdivide application response times, a fundamental requirement for problem isolation and service level management. Tools designed to measure traditional Web applications may — depending on the details of the application and the tool — report such applications either as a single Web page per HTTP request, or as an unrelated collection of server activities. Neither description reflects what is really happening at the application level.
  • The client engine makes it harder to measure response time. For traditional Web applications, measurement software can reside either on the client machine or on a machine that is close to the server, provided that it can observe the flow of network traffic at the TCP and HTTP levels. Because these protocols are synchronous and predictable, a packet sniffer can read and interpret packet-level data, and infer the user’s experience of response time by tracking HTTP messages and the times of underlying TCP packets and acknowledgments. But the RIA architecture reduces the power of the packet sniffing approach, because the client engine breaks the communication between user and server into two separate cycles operating asynchronously — a foreground (user-to-engine) cycle, and a background (engine-to-server) cycle. Both cycles are important, because neither stands alone; it is their relationship that defines application behavior. But that relationship depends only on the application design, which cannot (in general) be inferred by a measurement tool, especially one that can observe only one of the two cycles. Therefore the most complete RIA measurements can only be obtained using tools that reside on the client and observe both cycles.

Current status of development

RIAs are still in the early stages of development and user adoption.[citation needed] There are a number of restrictions and requirements that remain:

  • Browser adoption: Many RIAs require modern web browsers in order to run. Some RIA platforms depend on advanced JavaScript engines in the browser if they use techniques such as XMLHttpRequest for client-server communication, and DOM Scripting and advanced CSS techniques to enable the rich user interface. Other RIA platforms require the inconvenience of a one-time installation of a plugin, but then have an advantage of running consistently across a wider range of browsers.
  • Web standards: Differences between web browsers can make it difficult to write an RIA that will run across all major browsers. The consistency of the Java platform or other platforms (i.e. Adobe AIR, Curl, Silverlight) using a plugin and installed runtime environment makes this task much simpler.
  • Accessibility concerns: Additional interactivity may require technical approaches that limit applications’ accessibility.
  • User adoption: Users expecting standard web applications may find that some accepted browser functionality (such as the “Back” button) may have somewhat different or even undesired behavior.

RIA Related Topics

RIA with real-time push

Traditionally, web pages have been delivered to the client only when the client requested for it. For every client request, the browser initiates an HTTP connection to the web server, which then returns the data and the connection is closed. The drawback of this approach was that the page displayed was updated only when the user explicitly refreshes the page or moves to a new page. Since transferring entire pages can take a long time, refreshing pages can introduce a long latency.

Demand for localised usage of RIA

With the increasing adoption and improvement in broadband technologies, fewer users experience poor performance caused by remote latency. Furthermore one of the critical reasons for using an RIA is that many developers are looking for a language to serve up desktop applications that is not only desktop OS neutral but also installation and system issue free.

RIA running in the ubiquitous web browser is a potential candidate even when used standalone or over a LAN, with the required webserver functionalities hosted locally.

Client-side functionalities and development tools for RIA needed

With client-side functionalities like Javascript and DHTML, RIA can operate on top of a range of OS and webserver functionalities.

User interface languages

Instead of HTML/XHTML, new user interface markup languages can be used in RIAs. For instance, the Mozilla Foundation‘s XML-based user interface markup language XUL – this could be used in RIAs though it would be restricted to Mozilla-based browsers, since it is not a de facto or de jure standard. The W3C‘s Rich Web Clients Activity[4] has initiated a Web Application Formats Working Group whose mission includes the development of such standards [5]. The original DARPA project at MIT which resulted in the W3C also resulted in the web content/programming language Curl which is now in version 6.0.

RIA’s user interfaces can also become richer through the use of scriptable scalable vector graphics (though not all browsers can render those natively yet) as well as Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL).

Other techniques

RIAs could use XForms to enhance their functionality.

Using XML and XSLT along with some XHTML, CSS and JavaScript can also be used to generate richer client side UI components like data tables that can be resorted locally on the client without going back to the server. Mozilla and Internet Explorer browsers both support this.

The Omnis Web Client is an ActiveX control or Netscape plug-in which can be embedded into an HTML page providing a rich application interface in the end-user’s web browser.


  1. ^ Macromedia Flash MX—A next-generation rich client
  2. ^ Living in the RIA World: Blurring the Line Between Web and Desktop Security, 2008 [1]
  3. ^ Rich Internet Applications: Design, Measurement, and Management Challenges, Keynote Systems, 2006 (pdf).
  4. ^ W3C (March 15 2006). “W3C Rich Web Clients“.
  5. ^ W3C (March 15 2006). “Web Application Formats Working Group“.

See also

External links

Comparison RIA Application on Browser vs. desktop

Source :

The browser has become the preferred way for delivering many applications because it allows easy deployment across operating systems and simplified application maintenance. Plus, the modern programming languages used in the browser enable rapid application design and development.

The Adobe® AIR™ runtime complements the browser by providing the same application development and deployment benefits while adding desktop integration, local data access, and enhanced branding opportunities. An emerging design pattern for rich Internet applications (RIAs) is to deliver a browser-based version of an RIA in the browser for all users and an RIA on the desktop for more active users.

Feature RIAs in the browser RIAs on the desktop
Application delivery Applications can be easily discovered, explored, and used. Installed applications have more persistence, power, and functionality.
Installation No application installation is necessary. Applications install seamlessly from the browser or download and install like a traditional desktop application.
Application updates Applications are updated by pushing new content to a website. AIR provides APIs that allow applications to be updated as easily as pushing new content to a website.
Multiple operating system support Applications run on multiple operating systems and browsers. AIR applications are cross-platform, so they can be installed on and run on multiple operating systems.
Programming languages JavaScript is provided by browsers and ActionScript™ is provided by Adobe Flash® Player. Integrated JavaScript and ActionScript virtual machines are compatible with the browser.
Background capability RIAs can run only in a visible browser window. Applications can run in the background or provide notifications like traditional desktop applications.
Persistence Activity is limited to the browser session. When the browser is closed, information is lost. RIAs are installed and available on the desktop. They store information locally and operate offline.
Desktop integration Applications are sandboxed, so desktop integration is limited. Applications can access a desktop file system, clipboard, drag and drop events, system tray/notifications, and more.
User interface control RIAs run within a browser window that has its own controls, branding, and integration with the desktop. RIAs have a customizable user interface and desktop integration, enabling branded experiences.
Data storage Applications have limited local storage, which the browser can destroy. Applications have unlimited local storage and access to a local database, plus encrypted local storage

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Ubuntu 8.10 will Release

Source :

The Ubuntu developers are moving quickly to bring you the latest and greatest software the open source community has to offer. This is the Ubuntu 8.10 beta release, which brings a host of excellent new features.

Note: This is a beta release. Do not install it on production machines. The final stable version will be released on October 30th, 2008.

Ubuntu 8.10 - Coming soon


Get it while it’s hot. ISOs and torrents are available at:

Local mirrors are also available:




North America


South America

Upgrading from Ubuntu 8.04

To upgrade from Ubuntu 8.04, press Alt+F2 and type in “update-manager -d” (without the quotes) into the command box. Update Manager should open up and tell you: New distribution release ‘8.10’ is available. Click Upgrade and follow the on-screen instructions.

New Features since Ubuntu 8.04

These features are showcased for your attention. Please test them and report any bugs you find on Launchpad: .

GNOME 2.24

Ubuntu brings you the newest GNOME 2.24 desktop environment with tons of bug-fixes and new features, some of which include:

  • Nautilus file manager has tab support (by Christian Neumair) and Eject icons for removable drives in Places sidebar (by Stefano Teso, Cosimo Cecchi, Christian Neumair, and others).

  • File Roller archive manager now supports ALZ, RZIP, CAB, TAR.7Z file types also (by Paolo Bacchilega and Changwoo Ryu).

X.Org 7.4

X.Org 7.4, the latest stable version of X.Org, is available in Intrepid. This release brings much better support for hot-pluggable input devices such as tablets, keyboards, and mice. At the same time this will allow the great majority of users to run without a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. A new failsafe X is introduced, to give better tools for troubleshooting X startup failures.

The fglrx and two of the older nvidia binary drivers are not available for X.Org 7.4 yet, so users of these drivers will be automatically switched to the corresponding open source drivers.

Linux kernel 2.6.27

Ubuntu 8.10 Beta includes Linux kernel 2.6.27, a significant release with better hardware support and numerous bug-fixes.

Encrypted private directory

The ecryptfs-utils package was recently promoted to Ubuntu main, with support for a secret encrypted folder in your Home Folder (by Michael Halcrow, Dustin Kirkland, and Daniel Baumann).

You can help test this new feature by going to Applications → Accessories → Terminal and typing:

  • sudo aptitude install ecryptfs-utils

  • ecryptfs-setup-private

Guest session

The User Switcher panel applet (package fast-user-switch-applet) now provides an extra entry for starting a Guest session (by Martin Pitt). This creates a temporary password-less user account with restricted privileges: the account cannot access any users’ home directories, nor permanently store data. This is sufficiently safe to lend your laptop to someone else for a quick email check.

Network Manager 0.7

Ubuntu 8.10 Beta ships Network Manager 0.7 (by Dan Williams and others), which comes with long-expected features, such as:

  • system wide settings (i.e., no need to log in in order to get a connection)
  • management of 3G connections (GSM/CDMA)
  • management of multiple active devices at once
  • management of PPP and PPPOE connections
  • management of devices with static IP configurations
  • route management for devices

More information can be found on the Network Manager wiki.


DKMS (by Dell) is included in Ubuntu 8.10, allowing kernel drivers to be automatically rebuilt when new kernels are released. This makes it possible for kernel package updates to be made available immediately without waiting for rebuilds of driver packages, and without third-party driver packages becoming out of date when installing these kernel updates.

Samba 3.2

A lot of new features have been added in Samba 3.2 amongst them:

  • clustered file server support
  • encrypted network transport
  • ipv6 support
  • better integration with the latest version of Microsoft Windows™ clients and servers.

PAM authentication framework

Ubuntu 8.10 Beta features a new pam-auth-update tool, which allows simple management of PAM authentication configuration for both desktops and servers (by Steve Langasek). Packages providing PAM modules will be configured automatically, and users can adjust their authentication preferences by running sudo pam-auth-update.

More information can be found in the Ubuntu wiki.

Totem BBC plugin

Ubuntu 8.10 Beta features a new plugin for the Totem movie player that fetches free digital content from the BBC. To enable it, start Totem (Applications -> Sound & Video -> Movie Player), enable the plugin (Edit -> Plugins -> BBC content viewer) and select “BBC” from the drop-down labelled “Playlist”. The feed is fetched from a staging server at the moment so there may be a delay while it is downloaded.

Thanks to the BBC and Collabora for their work developing this feature.

Known Issues

There are several known bugs that users may run into with Ubuntu 8.10 Beta. We have documented them here for your convenience along with any known workarounds.

  • A problem that could result in corruption of the firmware on Intel GigE ethernet hardware has led to the disabling of the e1000e driver in the Linux kernel included in Ubuntu 8.10 Beta. Ethernet devices that use this driver cannot be used with Ubuntu 8.10 Beta; support for this hardware will be re-enabled in daily builds immediately after Beta and this issue will be resolved for the Ubuntu 8.10 final release.

  • Clicking on links in GNOME programs, such as evolution, will not launch firefox automatically due to a bug in a wrapper script used by the firefox-3.0 package. As a workaround, users can launch firefox manually and copy and paste links into the location bar.

  • NetworkManager 0.7 as included in Ubuntu 8.10 Beta is not compatible with static network configuration in /etc/network/interfaces. New installations are not affected by this issue because NetworkManager will manage all interfaces by default. Users upgrading from previous Ubuntu releases can work around this issue by disabling NetworkManager at startup.

  • When using the Kubuntu LiveCD, the ubiquity installer hangs at the end of the installation instead of prompting you to reboot. Investigation of this issue is ongoing; as a workaround, you can safely reboot to the new system by hand.

  • Installing an LTSP server fails with Ubuntu 8.10 beta because the CD is not recognized as an apt source. This will be resolved for the final release.

  • The Live CD’s detection of nVidia hardware incorrectly selects the ‘nv’ driver even for hardware not supported by that driver, preventing X from running on some systems. This issue will be fixed in daily builds immediately after Beta and will be resolved for the Ubuntu 8.10 final release.

Reporting Bugs

Intrepid Ibex Beta has bugs! Your comments, bug reports, patches and suggestions will help fix bugs and improve future releases. After reading the bug-reporting guidelines, please report bugs through the Ubuntu bug tracking system.

If you want to help with bugs, the Bug Squad is always looking for help.

If you plan to do an installation of Intrepid Beta, be sure to head to the Testing page. With just a few minutes of your time, you can really help to improve Ubuntu. We have two different tests; one takes just a short time, and the other is more thorough.

Participate in Ubuntu

If you would like to help shape Ubuntu, take a look at the list of ways you can participate at

Help Spread the Word About Ubuntu 8.10

A new banner is available that counts down the days until the Ubuntu 8.10 release:

You can add the countdown banner to your website to help build excitement for the new release as the date approaches.

More Information

You can find out more about Ubuntu on our website and wiki.

To sign up for future Ubuntu development announcements, please subscribe to Ubuntu’s development announcement list at:

Smarty 3 Alpha has begun!

Source : smarty

[17-Oct-2008] The Smarty 3.0 engine is well on its way, morphing every day. The alpha branch SVN is available to browse here, and the README for it is here. Feel free to contribute your thoughts in the forum. This is alpha code, meaning it is not complete. Don’t try to use this for production! Once the feature set is complete, it will move to beta.

You can checkout Smarty 3 Alpha with SVN:
svn checkout

See also the dev mailing list:

CodeIgniter 1.7.0 Released


Code Igniter Version 1.7 has been released.  This version contains a number of new features and enhancements, as well as many small improvements and bug fixes. For a list of all changes please see the Change Log.

If you are currently running Code Igniter please read the update instructions.

Note:  If your browser does not display the 1.7 user guide please clear your cache and reload the page

Pengaruh jumlah halaman terhadap google pagerank

Sumber :

Tulisan ini masih merupakan lanjutan dari tulisan-tulisan tentang google pagerank sebelumnya. Dimana algoritma pagerank memiliki pengaruh terhadap beberapa aspek dalam website yang kita buat. Yang akan saya coba bahas kali ini adalah pengaruh dari jumlah halaman dari sebuah website terhadap google pagerank.
Sebelumnya kembali perlu diperhatikan adalah, pagerank ditentukan untuk setiap halaman akumulasi pagerank berbanding lurus dengan jumlah halaman (dengan catatan website tidak mendapat kontibusi ke/dari halaman lain). Kenapa saya bold dan underline? karena ini variabel penting dari pengaruh konsep jumlah halaman ini dan akan dijelaskan di bawah.

Dari sini dapat disimpulkan setiap penambahan halaman juga akan menambah akumulasi pagerank website tersebut. Untuk nilai per-halaman (bukan akumulasi pagerank) sangat ditentukan oleh struktur link website tersebut.
Contohnya, misalnya struktur hirarki, yang membuat halaman yang paling dalam memiliki link ke halaman diatasnya atau halaman index, sedangkan halaman index tidak memiliki link langsung ke halaman pada hirarki paling dalam, maka google pagerank tertinggi dari website tersebut dapat dipastikan adalah halaman index. Dan secara otomotis halaman dalam hirarki yang paling dalam akan memiliki pagerank yang paling rendah.. (struktur ini baik jika anda bisa dan hanya butuh mengoptimasi halaman index anda)

Kembali pada poin yang digaris-bawahi di atas, sebuah situs, (apalagi yang dalam proses optimasi) sudah pasti sangat membutuhkan ibound link dari situs lain untuk meningkatkan pagerank. Kontribusi pagerank dari inbound link ini akan didistribusikan ke semua halaman web yang anda miliki yang besaran yang didapat tiap halaman kembali ditentukan struktur link website.
Secara kasarnya jika kita mendapat kontribusi dari inbound link sebesar 1 pagerank, nilai itu akan dibagi kesemua halaman website kita, bukan hanya halaman yang menerima inbound link. Dari sini juga dapat kita lihat, setiap penambahan jumlah halaman, akan memperbesar faktor pembagi tersebut. Penurunan kontribusi pagerank dari inbound link berbanding lurus dengan jumlah halaman yang kita tambahkan.

Dengan ini, jangan salah diasumsikan untuk tidak menambahkan halaman website bisnis anda, atau menambah posting pada blog anda. Karena sebuah wesite yang fresh, sering diupdate juga disenangi oleh search engine.
Solusinya adalah, setiap penambahan halaman pada website anda harus juga diusahakan penambahan baclink ke situs anda.
Semakin besar website yang anda miliki semakin banyak backlink yang ada perlukan agar keseluruhan halaman website anda memiliki pagerank yang merata (tidak hanya index yang memiliki pagerank tinggi tetapi halaman lain pagerank-nya sangat rendah).

Pengaruh Outbound Link terhadap pagerank

Sumber :

Seperti dijelaskan dalam algoritma pagerank, bahwa pagerank didistibusikan setelah dibagi dengan jumlah outbound link pada halaman tersebut. Jadi sebuah halaman yang menerima pagerank dari halaman lain setelah dibagi jumlah link keluar dari halaman itu disertai dengan peredaman distribusi rank dengan nilai damping factor.

Sebelumnya,yang perlu diperhatikan adalah PR perhalaman dan Total PR website adalah hal yang berbeda.
Outbound link tidak akan berpengaruh langsung pada pagerank halaman itu sendiri, melainkan halaman lain yang di-link oleh halaman tersebut dan kemudian berpengaruh lagi bila ada backlink dari halaman yang di-link. Dan jika outbound link itu adalah external link (link keluar website), maka akan sangat berpengaruh pada pagerank dari halaman-halaman lain dalam website tersebut. Atau bisa dibilang pagerank total dari website.

Dilihat dari struktur link website pada umumnya, setiap halaman saling terkait atau minimal memiliki satu link ke halaman home. Jika dalam kasus ini tidak ada external link, maka distribusi pagerank hanya pada halaman-halaman di dalam website tersebut dan tidak akan berkurang dari sisi total pagerank website.

Artikel ini akan sedikit membingungkan jika anda belum membaca konsep dan algoritma pagerank. Secara gamblangnya, jika sebuah halaman memiliki external outbound link, halaman itu akan mendistribusikan pagerank yang dimiliki untuk situs lain. Dan jika halaman itu juga memiliki link ke halaman lain dalam situs yang sama maka, pagerank yang diterima halaman yang di-link dalam situs yang sama tersebut akan berkurang.

Contoh kasus yang paling buruk dan sering terjadi adalah, bilamana struktur link halaman (artikel struktur link menyusul) sebagian besar mendistribusikan pagerank ke halaman utama (index) dan halaman index memiliki banyak external outbound link maka halaman lain dalam website tersebut akan memiliki pagerank yang sangat minimal. Hal ini karena setelah pagerank terkumpul di halaman index, pagerank didistribusikan ke situs lain. Keadaan ini akan lebih diperburuk lagi apabila halaman-halaman lain itu tidak mendapat link langsung dari halaman index. Karena hal inilah kenapa halaman yang bukan halaman index sering memiliki PR rendah.

Hal ini memang memiliki dampak yang sering tidak kita duga, beberapa artikel lain yang akan berpengaruh dan kasus-kasusnya akan saya bahas dalam artikel-artikel selanjutnya.